Thursday, February 19, 2009

Raise ur conserns - Government of India's online Public Grievance Lodging and Monitoring System

Government of India has Initiated an online Public Grievance Lodging and Monitoring System, by a portal of Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions. The portal address is... (I opened the portal and ensured it's existence. It's a one click affair.)

Click -->

Can you imagine this is happening in INDIA ? The govt.. wants people to use this tool to highlight the problems they faced while dealing with Government officials or departments like Passport Office, Electricity board, BSNL/MTNL, Railways etc.
Many of us say that these things don't work in India . Couple of months back, the Faridabad Municipal Corporation laid new roads in his area and the residents were very happy about it. But 2 weeks later, BSNL dug up the newly laid roads to install new cables which annoyed all the residents. A resident used the above listed grievance forum to highlight his concern. To his surprise, BSNL and Municipal Corporation of Faridabad were served a show cause notice and the guy received a copy of the notice in one week.
Government has asked the MC and BSNL about the goof up as it's clear that both the government departments were not in sync at all. So use this grievance forum and educate others who don't know about this facility. This way we can at least raise our concerns instead of just talking about the 'System' in India .
Invite your friends to contribute for many such happenings.
Please spread this message far and wide if you are looking forward to better days for the citizens also!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Please DO NOT WASTE food 
If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted , don't hesitate to 
call 1098(only in India) - child helpline. They will come and collect the food. Please circulate this message which can help feed many children. PLEASE, DON 'T BREAK THIS CHAIN,

'Helping hands are better than Praying Lips'

H-1B visa: How to apply

Applicants and employers who plan to avail of H-1B visas to the United States, which are subject to fixed quotas, for the fiscal year 2010, should begin preparations early.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will begin accepting H-1B visa petitions for the fiscal year 2010 from Wednesday, April 1, 2009.

The earliest that applicants can begin working on these visas in the US is October 1, 2009, which is the start of FY 2010. Last year, the quotas were exhausted within the first week of the filing season.

As part of the H-1B process, the employer is required to receive a certified Labor Condition Application (LCA) from the United States Department of Labor (DOL) before the H-1B petition can be filed with the USCIS. However, it is important to note that the processing time for the H-1B visas is likely to increase dramatically this year.

Currently, the LCA is produced and certified almost instantly upon electronic submission to the DOL's web-based application centre. The new certification process for the LCA may possibly take seven or more days if the changes are introduced.

Earlier it was possible to expedite last minute requests for new employees, but this will be highly unlikely if the process is delayed, though there is no intimation of that as yet.

The H-1B quota

The USCIS grants 65,000 H-1B visas each year and since 2004 an additional 20,000 H-1B visas have been granted to individuals with Master's or higher degrees obtained from the US. Out of the 65,000 visas, a special quota is reserved for Chile and Singapore nationals under free trade agreements between the US and those countries.

In recent years, the demand for H-1B visas has far exceeded the supply. For instance, in FY 2008, the USCIS reported that it received 133,000 petitions on April 2 and April 3. In 2007, April 1 fell on a Sunday. For the very first time, the USCIS conducted a computer-generated random selection of petitions filed on the first and second day of the filing period to select only a limited number of cases allocated under the H-1B cap.

The USCIS also announced that the Master's cap for FY 2008 was reached on April 30, 2007 and petitions that were received on April 30, 2007 under the Master's cap were also subject to a random selection process.

With regard to applications for FY 2009, the USCIS announced that it had received more than the number of H-1B petitions for both the 65,000 and 20,000 cap during the 5-day filing period. In addition to providing a 5-day window when the USCIS accepted applications, the USCIS also stipulated that if it received more than one H-1B petition on behalf of the same alien for the same position both the applications would be dismissed and the fees forfeited.

The numerical limitation of 65,000 does not apply to a non-immigrant who is sponsored for an H-1B visa by an institution of higher education and non-profit entity related to or affiliated with any such institution.

Nor would it apply to an H-1B visa petition that has been filed by a non-profit research organisation or a governmental research organisation.

The quota restrictions do not apply to J-1 physicians who have been sponsored for a J-1 waiver by a federal or state agency or to H-1B extension requests. The quotas for Singapore and Chile have never been reached to date.

The USCIS reportedly plans to issue a rule in the spring or summer of 2009 to streamline the H-1B paperwork required to participate in the fiscal year 2010 lottery.

The rule would propose a 'pre-registration' system with a shorter application required for the lottery, and the full H-1B petition required for lottery winners. However, that system will not be in place for this April's H-1B rush.

The H-1B process

An employer who needs the temporary services of a foreign national must demonstrate that both the job requirements and the foreigner's credentials or experience are 'professional.' Beneficiaries who have four-year Bachelor's degrees, equivalent to the US Bachelor's degrees, usually qualify as professionals.

Beneficiaries from India, where a Bachelor's degree usually involves three years of college education, require an additional year of education or experience. Individuals with foreign qualifications must obtain credentials evaluations and/or translations if required.

The employer must also meet Department of Labor (DOL) requirements (described below) and file a petition with the USCIS for permission to employ the qualifying foreign national. If the employee is out of the country, he or she must also apply for the visa at a US Consulate abroad upon receiving approval of the petition from the USCIS.

The Labor Condition Application

Prior to filing the H-1B petition with the USCIS, the employer must certify to the DOL with respect to the foreign worker, that

(1) it will pay the higher of what it pays its own similar workers or what similar workers in the area are paid (whichever is higher);

(2) the working conditions of its US workers are not adversely affected;

(3) there is no strike/lockout at the worksite nor in the occupation for which a foreign professional is sought; and

(4) it has given notice to current employees that it is seeking to hire an H-1B professional.

The DOL certifies receipt and acceptance of the attestation in order to create a public record and the original signed copy of this should be filed with the petition. The employer must also post the labor condition application for 10 days and maintain a wage file that is open to the public.

There are special provisions that apply to H-1B dependent employers. Generally, US employers of 51 or more individuals whose workforce comprises 15 per cent or more H-1B workers are considered dependent employers.

Smaller employers are allowed a slightly higher ratio of H-1Bs to their total workforce. H-1B dependent employers must additionally attest that they will not displace a U.S. worker 90 days before and after filing the visa petition for a foreign worker.

Further, they must attest that they have taken good-faith steps to recruit in the US using industry-wide standards and that they have offered the position to any US worker who applies and is equally or better qualified than the H-1B worker.

Dependent employers who pay H-1B workers a salary of $60,000 or who employ a person with a Master's degree are exempt from the additional H-1B dependant employer attestations.

Employers must follow through on attestations or they are in violation of law and could be required to pay wages, incur civil penalties and be debarred from the program. The DOL initiates investigations of employer practices through both a formal complaint and its own investigation processes.

Filing the petition with the USCIS

The employer must submit a request to the USCIS, proving that it has completed the Labor Condition Application process and demonstrating that both the employer and the foreign professional qualify for the visa category. The employer must submit a fee of $320.

In addition, all employers applying for H-1B visa petitions must pay the new $500 'fraud prevention' fee for each petition seeking an initial grant of H-1B non-immigrant classification or those petitions seeking to change an employer within those classifications.

The $500 fee will not apply to amendment or extension petitions filed by the same employer. The employer may expedite the petition through premium processing, by paying an additional $1,000 filing fee whereby the USCIS will adjudicate the case within 15 days.

As of December 8, 2004, employers must also pay a supplementary fee of $1,500. If the employer has 25 or fewer full-time employees including any affiliates or subsidiaries must pay $750.

Some employers may be exempt from the training fee. Employers will also be exempt from the training fee if they are filing a second H-1B extension on behalf of the foreign national employee.

In the petition the employer must demonstrate

(1) the need for someone who is a professional,

(2) that the job requires a worker with at least a bachelor's degree, and

(3) that the prospective employee has the required degree or an equivalency analysis for a foreign degree along with any other required qualifications.

H-1B visa application

If the professional is already in the US in another visa category or status, the professional can file petition with the USCIS for a change of status to H-1B.

The new status will be indicated on the person's I-94, but is not a travel document. In order to travel and re-enter the US in H-1B status, a visa must be obtained at a US Embassy or Consulate abroad.

Once the petition is approved by the USCIS, if the professional is outside the US, he or she must apply to a US consulate for an H-1B visa.

The US consular officer adjudicates the application to determine the alien's admissibility before granting the visa.


Although certain categories of workers are exempt from the H-1B cap, there is no doubt that the 65,000 H-1B visas available for most jobs in 'speciality occupations' will be used up by mid-summer. With that in mind, employers desiring to hire professional workers under the H-1B category would do well to file their petitions early, or risk being shut-out until April 1, 2010 when the quota reopens for FY 2011.

Despite the economic downturn it is expected that like every year, there will be a mad scramble for available H-1B visa numbers.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Have U ever heard about LPG gas cylinder's expiry date.....!!

Have  U ever heard about LPG gas cylinder's expiry  date.....!! 
I  also didn't know how to find LPG cylinder's  expiry date? Expired Cylinders are not safe for  use and may cause accidents. In this regard  please be cautious at the time of accepting any  LPG cylinder from the Vendor. 

Here is  how we can check the expiry of LPG cylinders:   
On one of three side stems of the cylinder,  the expiry date is coded alpha numerically as  follows A or B or C or D and some two digit  number following this e.g. D06. 

The  alphabets stand for quarters - 
1. A for March  (First Qtr), 
2. B for June (Second Qtr),   
3. C for Sept (Third Qtr), 
4. D for  December (Fourth Qtr).. 

The  digits stand for the year till it is valid.  Hence D06  would mean December qtr of 2006.   
Please Return Back the Cylinder that you get  with a Expiry Date, they are prone to Leak and  other Hazardous accidents ....   

The  second example with D13 allows the cylinder to  be in use until Dec 2013 .   
Kindly  pass this to every one, 
and create awareness  among the public 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Arthakranti by Anil Bokil an CA from Aurangabad

Please spare some time and read this article, and also visit the

Over the last several decades we have had a number of attempts to consider radical measures to revamp the tax structure with the aim of containing black (unaccounted) money and to give taxation a more equitable face, if not form. All have failed or not lived up to their promise up to now.


Among them:

1. Abolish all personal taxation. Make Excise and indeed all indirect taxes progressive.

2. Have a system to tax expenditure instead of income.

This attempt by Chartered Accountant Anil Bokil, must fall into the same category of instant solutions and that itself makes me suspicious. Among the things that it does not address:

1. If transactions below Rs 2000 are to be permitted in cash, what is to prevent everyone from treating every transaction above Rs 2000 as more than one transaction? To give just one example: My wife goes to buy herself a sari which, she is told, is worth Rs 2015/- Under the Bokil law she cannot pay for it in cash. She must pay for it either by cheque or by credit/debit card. What is to stop her paying Rs 20/- in cash and the remaining Rs 1995/- also in cash since now the price of it is below Rs 2000/-? How many billions of such transactions will take place all the time to circumvent the transaction tax?

2. The whole panacea does not take into account the huge unorganized sector. How are the transactions in this sector to be accounted for in the case of all those billions of transactions above Rs 2000? The Bokil panacea seems to have been created by those who live in the cities and are totally unaware of the realities of commerce or what goes for commerce in Kalahandi or Santhal Parganas. Or for that matter in all the Bimaru states,

3. And what about the billions more below Rs 2000. Remember, we are a large country and the villager understands the value of money just as well as his city cousin.

4. The reason for bringing out Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes now has been the inflation. The falling purchasing power of the rupee makes for transactions at an increasingly faster speed to take place in the marketplace. The Rs 1000 note which was demonetized in 1978 has therefore had to be brought back. But that again is taking a different tack. How will demonetising currency notes of smaller denomination help?

5. If the number of transactions have to multiplied in proportion to the amount that is to be spent to avoid tax, this involves that much more effort. Will this not fuel inflation at a runaway best?

6. Since all taxes other than the transaction tax are supposed to be abolished, this will bring into the legitimate marketplace a large amount of spending money, now legal, which will add fire to the inflation.

7. The storm of paper that will result in the banking system will bring it to a grinding halt.

8. The entire monetised economy will come to a halt, with all transactions in cash above Rs 2000 being made illegal.

2009 Holidays in India











Makar Sakranti



Republic Day



Vasant Panchami



Maha Shivaratri












Hindu New Year



Ramayana Week Starts



Ramayana Week Ends






Mahavir Jayanti



Hanuman Jayanti



Good Friday






Ambedkar Jayanti



May Day



Boodh Poornima



Raksha Bandhan



Krishna Janmashthami



Independence Day



Ganesh Chaturthi



Anant Chaudas



Pitr-paksha Start



Pitr-paksha End






Navaratri Start



Navaratri Ends



Vijay Dashami (Dasera)



Gandhi Jayanti



Balmiki Jayanti



Deepavali (Diwali)



Vikram New Year



Guru Nanak Jayanti






G.G.Singh Birthday



X-Mas Day






Don't drink chines milk

Make sure you read to the very end – very interesting –
perhaps the best way to tell where things are made….  

China milk poisoning incidents make everyone afraid to look at the daily news report.
Everyday, the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and what not to eat.

What really is poisoned milk?

It is milk powder mixed with 'MELAMINE'

What is Melamine used for? 
It is an industrial chemical used in the production of melawares.
It is also used in home decoration. ' US resistant board'

We all MUST understand that Melamine is used in INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 
  - - - - - it CANNOT be eaten.

2.Why is Melamine added to milk powder

The most important nutrient in milk is protein.
And, Melamine has this same protein that contains 'NITROGEN'

Adding Melamine into milk reduces the actual milk content required,  
and therefore it is cheaper than all milk.   So it lowers the capital required 
in the production of milk products.  Therefore it earns the business man more profit!

Below is Melamine; doesn't it look like milk / milk powder?
It doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected.

3.When was it discovered that it had been added to milk products.
In 2007,  US cats and dogs died suddenly, they found that pet food from China contained Melamine.

Early in 2008, in China , an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones was reported.

In August 2008,  China Sanlu Milk Powder tested for Melamine

Sept. 2008
,  the New Zealand government asked China to investigate this problem
Sept. 21, 2008
, they found that many food products in Taiwan tested for Melamine

What happens when Melamine ingested and digested?

Melamine remains inside the kidneys. It forms into stones blocking the tubes.

Pain will be imminent and the person cannot urinate. Kidney(s) will then swell.

Although surgery can remove the stones, it causes irreversible kidney damage.  
It can lead to the loss of kidney function and will require kidney dialysis or lead to death 
because of uremia.

What is dialysis?  In fact, it should be called 'blood washing'; it is filtering all of the body's blood into

a machine and then returning the blood back to the body.

The whole process takes 4 hours; and it is necessary to have dialysis
once every 3 days for the rest of your life.

Below:  A dialysis center

Below:  A large dialysis center

A small hole is required in the arm to insert the sub-dialysis catheter.
Why is it much more serious in babies?   
A baby's kidneys are so very small and they drink a lot of milk powder. 

Below:   A baby undergoing dialysis.
China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized

It does not matter how much Melamine a human being ingested (ate) (took). 
The important point is:    'MELAMINE CANNOT BE  EATEN!'

5.What foods are to be avoided?

Foods from China that contain dairy products should be avoided.

Remember: Foods with cream or milk should be avoided.

6.Which companies are affected

Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.

7.What do we do next?

Avoid the above foods for at least six months.
If you own or operate a snack bar, a restaurant, or a coffee shops, etc.,
stop selling dairy products for the meantime.

If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.

Finally, share this information with friends so they will understand the risk of milk poisoning.

The whole world is very afraid of  "Made In China" 'black-hearted' goods.
Do you know how to differentiate which products are made in
the USA, or in the Philippines, in Taiwan, or in China?
Here's How: 
The first 3 digits of the barcode identify thecountry code
wherein the product was made. 

For Example:   ALL barcodes that start with690, 691, 692,  etc., . ..
up to and including 695 are all MADE IN CHINA. 
Barcodes starting with 
471 are printed on products Made in Taiwan. 

You have a right to know.  But the government and related departments
never inform or educate the public. Therefore we must educate ourselves,
be vigilant, and RESCUE ourselves.

Today, Chinese businessmen know that consumers will not select products
'Made in China'.  So, they make every effort not to show or state the country
of origin on their products.   However, you can now refer to the barcode.  
DO remember if the first 3 digits are one of those between 690 and 695 inclusive then it is a product Made in China . 
00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA 
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 ~ JAPAN
50 ~ UK
57 ~ Denmark
64 ~ Finland
76 ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein
628 ~ Saudi-Arabia
629 ~ United Arab Emirates
740 ~ 745 - Central America

All 480 Codes are Made in the Philippine

Please inform your family and friends.   
Be aware!  And help others to be aware!